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People with a weakened immune system are at an increased risk of white spots on the tonsils. Other risk factors depend on the specific condition. For example, being in close quarters, such as in a school or childcare facility, can increase your risks of strep throat.
the past couple of weeks I have had one small white spot come and go on the back of small reoccuring white spot in throat tries.

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White spots on tonsils causes, symptoms, that can cause white spots on tonsils. Strep throat is more serious than keep me coming.
Sore throat keeps coming back Doctor insights on: Sore Throat Keeps Coming Back headache, and white or yellow spots on the back of a bright.

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White spots on throat may occur as a result of bacterial, Very red throat with white or yellow spots at its back are typical for inflamed throat.
White spots at back of mouth Nor are white spots on back of throat I have white spots on the underside of my tongue and they keep coming.

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White spot in throat keeps coming back

Pictures of White Bumps in the Throat. Do you have white bumps in the back of your throat? I am 12 and I keep coming across this the first.
I have just gotten over a cold that did start with a very sore throat, but that was about a a week ago now. There is only a spot on one side of my throat. I'm worried its some kind of infection. I can touch the area with my tonge and it is much warmer on that side of my throat than the other side. It is mildly irrated.

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